On the Road Again - DVCon 2008
DVCon Conference Organizers Expecting Record Attendance

OVM Tutorial - OVM 1.01 Released

20080219-DSC_9515 According to Tom Fitzpatrick at the OVM Tutorial session this morning, OVM 1.01 has been released.  Check out the OVM site for the latest. 

Some interesting observations from the tutorial so far.  First, it looks like there are a lot of non-URM/AVM users here (based on a quick audience poll done by Tom).  VMM users looking to switch?  Could be.  According to Tom, if your simulator can't run the OVM it's not compliant to the SystemVerilog specification (hello Synopsys!).  I wonder if Synopsys would say the same thing about the VMM. 

Another thing I noticed was that Tom was clear to highlight the combined contributions of Mentor and Cadence to the OVM.  Based on the presentations I've seen most of the interesting stuff has come from Cadence.  I'd like to hear specifically what Mentor has added to the OVM, if for no other reason than it would help me if the need ever comes up to convert an AVM-based environment to use the OVM. 
