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July 2007

DFT Digest

Before DAC I posted a note looking for other bloggers who might be interested in getting together for a "birds of a feather" session.  I didn't get any responses, but after posting a note over on John Ford's blog, DFT Digest, we were able to arrange a time to meet.  John has been working on DFT Digest almost as long as I've been writing Cool Verification, and it was great getting an opportunity to meet a fellow blogger face to face.  If you're interested in DFT, I'd highly recommend taking a look at his site!

Denali Party Photos

I've finally posted my photos of the Denali party from last Tuesday at DAC.  Lots of interesting people were there, and I got photos of a large number of attendees.  Please let me know what you think - it was my first time taking party photos in a dimly lit club, so feel free to provide feedback - good or bad.  Photos were taken with a Nikon D50 with a 17-55 f/2.8 DX Nikon lens, a 10.5mm f/2.8 Nikon fisheye, and a 50mm f/1.8 lens.  Flash was a Nikon SB600.

SystemVerilog and Specman/e - Why Can't We All Just Get Along?

Recently, I took a look at Cooley's verification survey and came to the conclusion that his methods were flawed. I had the opportunity to speak with Cooley at the Denali Night Fever party this past Tuesday regarding the accuracy of his survey.  It was a challenging discussion, what with a band playing 20 feet away and Cooley sporting a pair of foam earplugs, but it was clear that Cooley still has faith in the results of his survey.  Why?  He's checked with some friends who work as actuaries and also has sanity checked his data against other surveys done by folks such as Gary Smith.  By the time we finished our chat, I wondered if maybe I'd been too harsh on Cooley. 

Continue reading "SystemVerilog and Specman/e - Why Can't We All Just Get Along?" »

How Engineers and Managers Communicate: An EDA Consortium Video

Thursday morning I bumped into Kathryn Kranen, President and CEO of Jasper Design Automation, after the 2007 EDA Marketing Forum (formerly Hacks & Flacks) at DAC.  The marketing forum itself was fascinating and will be the subject of a future post.  Kathryn asked if I would take a look at a video she'd put together for the Productivity Impact Luncheon at DAC on Tuesday.  I was actually signed up to attend the luncheon but ended up attending the Synopsys VMM luncheon instead after the rest of my colleagues abandoned me so they could see Brent Spiner (Commander Data) and Marina Sirtis (Counselor Deanna Troi) at the Mentor Graphics "Next Generation Verification Luncheon".

The video, entitled "How Engineers and Managers Communicate: A Video Parody", is about 10 minutes long and shows a fictional design team from "WonderChips, a fictitious but successful communications chip company" deciding on a methodology, tools, and schedule for an upcoming project.  The video starts off a bit slowly and the production quality is poor (apparently the video was shot in a day and produced over the course of a week) but it touches on some key points and highlights the misunderstandings between engineering and management that can lead to major project schedule and cost overruns.  Basically, management doesn't want to spend money on new tools and methodologies up front and cuts the bottom-up schedule done by the design team in half, and the engineers decide almost immediately that the project "will be done when it's done".  Sound familiar?  I thought so.  I got a few good chuckles out of the video and I'm sure you will too.  Check it out!