Update June 12, 2007: Fixed out of date links to the Verilab blog.
So, many of you are probably dying to know what I've been up to all day. Did I skip out of the conference and go to the beach? (sadly, no). Did I fall asleep during any of the presentations due to my jet lag and 4-5 hours of sleep last night? (sadly, almost yes, several times!).
So far, it looks like this is going to be an interesting week. I attended the keynote, and spent part of the morning in the System Level Mapping and Simulation track before skipping out to grab a bite to eat and to continue browsing through the exhibition area. During the afternoon I attended the Cadence/Doulos workshop on "Adopting a Plan-to-Closure Methodology across Design Teams and Verification Teams" to learn about the Unified Reuse Methodology (URM) and its current status and hung out in the press lounge where I had the opportunity to meet Peter Clarke, Editorial Director Europe, and Richard Wallace, Vice President and Editorial Director for EETimes. Peter apparently was one of the first people to interview Tommy Kelly, Verilab's CEO, when Verilab started back in 2000. I've yet to meet any members of the "professional" press who were terribly interested in my blog, but I appreciated the fact that Peter spent far more time chatting with me than most of the others have. Later in the evening I attended the SPIRIT Consortium's general meeting.
Other highlights during the day? I spent time with Denali speaking with the booth crew (including CTO Mark Gogolewski) about PureSpec SystemRDL, a "verification IP product that automates functional verification of configuration registers for system-on-chip (SoC) designs." I wrote about Blueprint, a documentation generation tool that uses SystemRDL as a specification language, back in December of 2005. It was nice to see Denali is continuing to move forward with products in this area.
Finally, I ran into a few former colleagues throughout the day from consulting gigs I've done in France and Germany over the last couple of years. That was a real treat. Those of you I met up with today - glad you were able to make it to DATE!